Röda husen


Cultural heritage site

Our winning proposal in the land distribution competition for the red houses in Lidköping involves a neighbourhood where the cultural environment is protected and filled with new life that local residents can be really proud of.

“‘Life on Krukmakaregatan’ is characterised by an in-depth understanding of the history of the site, the qualities of the cultural environment and the values of the Swedish National Heritage Board – a proposal where the existing cultural environment becomes a natural asset in the development of the town. The existing buildings have been carefully preserved and renovated as residential buildings, while new buildings complement and reinforce the historical legibility of the new town planning. The new additions fit well into the structure of the older neighbourhood with its streets and former city limits. Together, new and old form a motley whole,” reads the jury’s description of the winning proposal.

Röda husen, innergård
Röda husen, fågelperspektiv

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